About the Day
The Facts
Take Action
About the Day
World AIDS Day is observed every year on December 1st. The World Health Organization established World AIDS Day in 1988. World AIDS Day provides governments, national AIDS programs, faith organizations, community organizations, and individuals with an opportunity to raise awareness and focus attention on the global AIDS epidemic.
The Facts
Over a million Americans are estimated to be living with HIV. Worldwide an estimated 33 million people are living with HIV.
* Join us in Facing AIDS for World AIDS Day 2009
* Posters and Other Resources
Download and customize these posters to promote your World AIDS Day events!
Poster show and other World AIDS Day resources from PEPFAR
* Fact sheetsDownload HIV/AIDS fact sheets, post them on bulletin boards, share with local newspapers, and distribute them at events!
* Read about the CDC’s HIV Incidence Data
* Websites
AIDS.gov: provides US Government HIV/AIDS information.
PEPFAR.gov: the official website of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief.
worldaidscampaign.org: brochures and information about events worldwide.
* Mobile Resources
To find an HIV Testing location near you in the United States, send a text message with your ZIP code to KNOWIT (566948) or visit www.hivtest.org.
* Events
Find local events and list your activities here.
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