SpiralFrog the free and legal, ad-supported web-based music service, announced that it was selected by the non-profit, Keep a Child Alive, to be the exclusive download partner for “Alicia in Africa: Journey to the Motherland,” today. The documentary highlights, Miss. Keys month-long trip to Africa to visit communities affected by HIV and AIDS.
The first preview of the film aired live on American Idol’s Idol Gives Back.
“Everyone who visits Africa is changed by the experience, but not everyone can afford to go to Africa, come with me on my journey and learn as I learn. Let’s start a virus to stop a virus- send the film to everyone you know. Let’s change this nightmare into our generation’s greatest success story.
Spreading the message is so important to Alicia that she is making the documentary available for FREE online. She is also bringing the experience to her concert goers. She’ll be screening the Alicia in Africa trailer before each concert on her As I Am tour, that kicked off April 19 in Virginia. Alicia will also announce the “Text Alive” initiative, which allows anyone to make an immediate $5 donation to KCA simply by text messaging “Alive” to 90999
By attempting to reach the broadest audience as possible , hopefully resulting in donations and a greater understanding of the situation in Africa.
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