As you can see from the video posted above we are definitely living in very turbulent times. There have been many solutions people have tried to use to combat these problems the one listed below most have embraced but what are the results and If so then why are the kids rebelling more than ever?
At Risk Teen Boot Camps
If you have been searching for help for an at-risk and defiant youth, you have come to the right place. We specialize in military-style boot camps for kids who are acting out and performing poorly in school. A Teen Boot Camp is similar to life in the military. The youth are up early - usually around 5 or 6 a.m. – and they have chores, inspections, march in formation, calisthenics, kitchen duties, laundry detail, etc. It is no fun, but quite effective at turning around a rebellious child. The camps are ongoing, so a youth can begin any time. Academics are with drill instructors in the classroom and minimum grades are mandatory. We work with youth as young as 10 years of age and can take a child until 6 months of his or her 18th birthday. If your child is in need of therapy of intense counseling, this is not the program for you. If you child needs structure and discipline, this is the place for them.
What is an at risk youth program?
In today's society there is plenty of talk about teen boot camps and structured programs for defiant teens. As you have probably realized, many sites on the Internet propose that they have military-structured programs when, in actuality, they don't. Several of the schools that advertise military-type schools offer nothing more than boarding schools or specialty programs. The difference between a true at-risk teen boot camp and a boarding school is the way the program is run. A true at-risk teen military-type training camp will include uniforms, marching in formation, "yes, sir", "no, sir" tactics, early engagement in calisthenics, and a day filled with a very structured schedule. The at-risk teen military school will also be an in-your-face-style program with drill sergeants, bunk beds, barracks, etc.
Do all schools advertising really have boot camps?
Various programs advertise that they have at-risk teen boot camps, when in reality what they have is a boarding school. The programs do this because they are trying to fill a niche. An adult growing up during the 1960s and 1970s may remember their out-of-control peers being sent to military-type schools. This option was quite popular during that era. Today, sending your teen to a military-type school is different than the 1960s or 1970s, because they must be willing to attend. “Boot camps for teens” is a popular search term because of what the military and boot camps have done for many adults. There are many stories about boys who have joined the military and been forced to grow up while in that environment. This life-changing experience has literally taken many boys and turned them into men. If the military today was anything like the military of the 1960s and 1970s, this might be a good alternative. Although, as we discuss on our “what works, what doesn't” page, we explain how this option is inappropriate for defiant, out-of-control, or at-risk teens.
After care full research and monitoring we have realized that "EVERYTHING ISN'T FOR EVERYONE IN THIS CASE" We noticed that you can't fight a fire with a fire and we would rather teach them to "LOVE THEMSELVES 1ST" because as we all know that it's never a good thing to go against anyone who is on the defensive offensively. What we need is more programs that focus on "LOVE", SUPPORT & RESPECT that is what "OPORATION WE CARE" is focusing on. So if you want realistic results we must provide realistic solutions to these problems and Love 1st then some nurturing then education.
We hope we can count on your help to help us to achieve these endeavors.