Monday, December 8, 2008


Agency Mission Statement—Shelter Partnership, Inc. is dedicated to alleviating, preventing and ending homelessness by assisting in the development of short-term and transitional housing programs, affordable housing, and supportive services for the homeless and potentially homeless throughout Los Angeles County.

Since its founding in 1985, Shelter Partnership has been a leader in the fight against homelessness in Los Angeles County.The agency accomplishes its mission through the following activities:

* Operating the Resource Bank by soliciting large-scale donations of merchandise and ensuring that these items are delivered to the people and agencies who need them most;
* Providing technical assistance to community-based organizations and public agencies (helping agencies receive more than $725 million in federal funds);
* Conducting research and publishing analytical studies to inform public policy;
* Promoting community education.

Shelter Partnership, Inc. is a unique, 501(c)(3), nonprofit organization which develops resources and housing for the growing number of homeless families and individuals in Los Angeles County. Since 1985, Shelter Partnership has continued to provide a variety of support to hundreds of agencies, free of charge. Shelter Partnership also serves as a resource to public agencies, the business community, local and national media, and community members involved in the issues of homelessness and the creation of permanent, affordable housing.

Shelter Partnership, Inc.
523 West Sixth Street
Suite 616
Los Angeles, CA 90014
(213) 688-2188
(213) 689-3188 Fax

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